Stephen Broderick on why transparency in media really shouldn't be a new concept
Stephen Broderick, CEO, FirmDecisions view on transparency has been featured on More About Advertising.
Stephen demonstrates how transparency has dominated the debate in media and marketing for the last few years. However, goes on to highlight why transparency shouldn't be a represented as a new concept;
"But there’s actually nothing new about advertisers, agencies, and their representative trade bodies raising and dealing with issues of transparency. In 2005, Interpublic Group issued a $550m restatement of its accounts for 2000-2004. Investigations had found that the agency group had retained hundreds of millions of dollars of media volume bonuses which should have been returned to its clients around the world."
To read the article in full on More About Advertising's website, please click here.
First featured 27/03/2018.
El camino hacia la transparencia de los medios está pavimentado con buenas intenciones:
Stephen Broderick, de FirmDecisions, examina la transparencia de los medios. Para leer el artículo completo en el sitio web Dircomfidentail, haga clic aquí.